This page has been prepared to help you understand the nature of our clinic. Should you require additional information, please feel free to speak with our reception staff.

We provide many services for our patients which include:

  • onsite pathology 4Cyte Pathology
  • General Family Medicine
  • Skin Cancer Clinic
  • Aged Care
  • Health Assessment
  • Diathermy
  • Cryotherapy
  • Ear Irrigation
  • INR & BSL
  • Travel Advice
  • Vaccinations
  • Minor Procedures
  • ECG
  • ABI
  • Cervical Screening
  • Women’s Health
  • Chronic Illness
  • Q-Fever Vaccination
  • Worker’s Compensation


An appointment system is used by this practice to minimise waiting time. However, as it is not possible to predict when emergencies and complex problems may arise, delays may sometimes occur. It would will help us keep to time if you:

Arrive punctually

Notify reception of your arrival

Advise our staff, when booking-in, if you need a long consultation

Limit the consultation process to the person who has the appointment (one per patient)

A standard consultation is 15 minutes long, if you require a longer appointment please notify reception when booking.

For a routine appointment, it is advisable to ring several working days in advance to obtain an appointment at a time suited to you. We encourage you to see the Dr of your choice for your consultation.

For an urgent appointment, please alert our staff at the time of your call that the problem is of a priority nature and you will receive an appointment on the day of your call. Patients with an urgent problem will be seen by a Dr, although this may not be with the Dr usually attended. Subsequent care will be available from the doctor of your choice.

For an emergency appointment, please emphasise your concern to the staff and you will be further advised.

Bookings can be booked online via HOTDOC or our website



For best medicine practice, patients are advised that they must return for a consultation for script renewals. Staff have been directed to adhere strictly to this policy.


For urgent after hours please dial TRIPLE ZERO (000) for emergency ambulance or present to the Manning Base Hospital located in Taree.



If you telephone the surgery with an urgent problem, your call will be put through to the Nursing Sister, who will be able to assist you to access emergency care. If a nurse is not available you will be put through to the Dr. For less urgent matters, our receptionists will take a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.


Home visits are available for situations of genuine need, or those with certain medical conditions. Should you believe your conditions requires a home visit by your Dr, advise staff early in the day so that all options may be considered and disruptions to the practice minimised.


The Drs of this practice strive to provide a service of the highest standard to each patient at all times. Drs are vocationally registered practitioners, indicating that they are accredited to a high standard and that they are up-to-date in their knowledge.

To practice medicine to the highest standard, we believe that appropriate time should be set aside for each consultation, that staff be experienced and helpful, and the surgery be well-equipped. If you have a specific cultural background(s) please advise your Dr to that they can be sympathetic to your cultural needs.

Some consultations with your Dr take extra time and we need to able to plan for this. These visits include having multiple or complex problems to discuss, insurance examination, Centrelink forms or a procedure to be undertaken (for example, having a mole removed or an echocardiograph). When making an appointment for purposes such as these, please notify our staff so that additional time is put aside for your visit. Access Health Care Drs will bulk-bill all children under the age of 16 years old. Holders of DVA will be asked to present their card and sign the assignment form. All other consultations are asked to be paid for at the time of the consultation. If you are a Pension or Health Care Card Holder, you will be required to pay for your first consult of each calendar year privately and you will be bulk-billed for each consult after for the remainder of the year. All private patients will be asked to pay for their consultation at the time of the consult. Should there be any query with your accounts, or any aspect with your medical expenses, please discuss the matter with your Dr.


We have Drs practicing at Access Health Care who originate from various countries. If you have a specific language, please speak to our receptionist and we will try to accommodate your request. If you have trouble understanding the medical advice you have received or have trouble explaining yourself to our Drs or to our staff, we can contact the Medical Translating and Interpreting Service 131 450. We are also able to access various print materials through Medicare, Department of Health and Aging NSW Health Department.


Our practice is committed to preventative care. We participate in national and state reminder systems e.g. pap smears and childhood immunisations. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be part of this system, please let us know at reception.


All Drs strive to avoid unnecessary interruptions whilst you are having your consultation. To further assist us in giving you our full concentration and attention we ask that mobile phones be switched off or turned on silent when entering the surgery.


Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized members of staff.


Are faxed and a copy is given to the patient.


We are striving to provide you with a high quality service. If you have a problem we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your Dr or the Practice Manager. You may prefer to write to us. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously. However, if you wish to take the matter further and feel that you need to discuss the matter outside of the surgery there are several options available including The Medical Board of NSW, AMA or Health Care Complaints Commission (1800 043 159).

This practice has a no smoking policy

This practice is committed to quality improvement and is accredited by the GPA